Stonegate Ministry
Stonegate Community Ecumenical Ministry (SCEM) was founded in 1991 by a group of committed individuals and Christian faith communities from Humber Bay Area. St. James’ Humber Bay was one of the founding churches in this neighborhood ecumenical outreach ministry. They came together to develop a shared vision, to play an active and relevant role in reaching out to the Stonegate community, and to minister to people’s social and spiritual needs.
This joint ministry of Anglican, United, Presbyterian and Baptist churches has continued since the inception of the ministry. Volunteers from local churches are actively involved in the Ministry’s projects. The goal has always been to serve the residents of the Stonegate community by building bridges between individuals and groups within the community.
Annual special events including a Christmas dinner and Spring Festival are some of the programs in which Christ Church St. James members are actively involved. Each year we contribute to the Stonegate budget.
CCSJ Representatives:
Peter Patterson (pbpatterson (at)
Gord Glandfield (gglandfield (at)
See SCEM’s website at: for more information.