
Something for everyone…

Evolving out of the library collection of St. James Humber Bay, the CCSJ church library is now one of the largest parish libraries in the Diocese of Toronto. With a collection of around 4,000 items, it represents the hard work of a number of committed Library Committee volunteers.

Come and have look at the unique ceiling of the library’s location in the foyer – it’s composed of Christ Church Mimico organ pipes salvaged from the fires. We’re hoping to add to it with some of the organ pipes from St. James Humber Bay when our current Organ & Worship Space Revamp Project is completed.

The library is staffed before and after the Sunday services. To take out a book, or other resource from the collection when no-one’s around, please contact the office.

Browse the Library

You are now able to search our extensive library collection here.  If you browse the library and see something you want to read, contact us through the church office to let us know about your interest and we’ll provide any assistance we can.