Welcome to Christ Church St. James!
Seeking to be a caring, compassionate, welcoming family of God in Jesus ChristWelcome to Christ Church St. James!
Seeking to be a caring, compassionate, welcoming family of God in Jesus ChristWeekly Services
10:00 am – A service of Holy Communion, in-person and on zoom. Sign up for Plugged In: or contact the church office for the link info.
10:00 am – A service of Holy Communion, in-person.
11:00 am – Bible Study on the upcoming Sunday’s readings, in-person.
Check out all activities this month on the Events page to stay current.
Contact Us
Christ Church St. James Anglican Church
194 Park Lawn Road,
Toronto, ON M8Y 3J1
416-251-8711 (voice)
647-694-1617 (fax)
office email: office (at) christchurchstjames.ca
Google Maps Location
Pete Pynenburg, Warden
Sandra Fawcett, Warden
Peter Patterson, Deputy Warden
A. Somerville, Deputy Warden
Jeff Coatsworth, Treasurer/Webmaster
The Rev. Brian Suggs, Incumbent
brian (at) christchurchstjames.ca
416-251-8711 x22 (office)
Bruce Smith, Mission Coordinator
email: rbsmith055 (at) gmail.com
The Rev. David Sproule, Honorary Assistant
The Rev. Dr. Meredith Hawkins, Honorary Assistant