Welcome to Christ Church St. James!

Seeking to be a caring, compassionate, welcoming family of God in Jesus Christ

Welcome to Christ Church St. James!

Seeking to be a caring, compassionate, welcoming family of God in Jesus Christ

Ways to Serve at & Support CCSJ

Click to learn more

The Prayer Course is open to all who are interested, you don’t have to attend or be part of CCSJ! Whether you are curious about faith, have some doubts and questions, or are fully committed to following Jesus, you are welcome to explore the topic of prayer further over 8 weeks with others.

Weekly Services


10:00 am – A service of Holy Communion, in-person and on zoom.


10:00 am – A service of Holy Communion, in-person.

11:00 am – Bible Study on the upcoming Sunday’s readings, in-person.

Check out all activities this month on the Events page to stay current.

Contact Us

Christ Church St. James Anglican Church
194 Park Lawn Road,
Toronto, ON  M8Y 3J1

Where we are on a map

office: 416-251-8711

office email: office (at) christchurchstjames.ca

Sign up for Plugged In: newsletter or contact the church office for the
link info.

The Rev. Brian Suggs, Incumbent
brian (at) christchurchstjames.ca
416-251-8711 x22 (office)

Bruce Smith, Mission Coordinator
rbsmith055 (at) gmail.com

Maureen, Youth Pastor
maureen (at) christchurchstjames.ca

The Rev. David Sproule,
Honorary Assistant

The Rev. Dr. Meredith Hawkins,
Honorary Assistant

Pete Pynenburg, Warden
Sandra Fawcett, Warden
Peter Patterson, Deputy Warden
A. Somerville, Deputy Warden
Jeff Coatsworth, Treasurer/Webmaster