Evangelism & Discipleship
Christ Church St. James actively promotes the Gospel of Christ to all in our community.
We are extremely proud to have the skills of Bruce Smith, former national director of Threshold Ministries, with us as our Mission Coordinator. Contact him at rbsmith055 (at) gmail.com.
We are extremely blessed with the appointment of so many Honorary Assistants in the parish. See the home page for the list.
Missional Events & Ongoing Activities
Cafe Church on The Lakeshore – Our mission project in conjunction with St. Margaret’s New Toronto. Originally funded by an “Our Faith, Our Hope: Reimagine Church” Diocesan grant, we typically share a meal from 6:30 to 7:00 pm and the program usually runs from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Big Guy’s Little Coffee Shop (2861 Lakeshore Blvd. W. – south side between 4th and 5th Streets). Come out to enjoy, relax, listen, pray, smile, laugh, eat, sing, make new friends, and “draw close” to God. Sound good? Contact Bruce for more details. See the Upcoming Events page for the date of the next one. See our Facebook page too! Or check out this YouTube video that Arthur did about it – https://youtu.be/ZbEzB90U26A

Bible Study Groups – A number of small group opportunities for Bible study exist in the parish. Contact Bruce or David if interested in finding out which one suits you best.
Messy Vacation Bible Club – Offered in Aug for a week (see the Upcoming Events page for the date) and free to kids of the neighbourhood. We partner with area churches to offer a differently-themed program each year. Contact Bruce for details.
Alpha Program – There are several instances of Alpha (and Beyond Alpha) running in the parish this year. See Bruce to figure out which one to plug into.
Refugee Sponsorship – We currently have another (this will be our third) refugee family still waiting for the processing of our application.
For people wishing to make a tax-receipted charitable donation, see the Support Us page – donations can be marked with “Refugee Fund” in the memo line.
Celebration Cafe Morning Edition – A semi-regular gathering in our very own church hall at 10:00 am taking the place of our regular (upstairs) service. Join us for refreshments & goodies, singing and some short directed content (videos, testimonies, dramas) and discussion. See the Upcoming Events page for the date of the next one.

Summer Sizzlers – Stonegate Ministry and CCSJ hold an annual Victoria Day (-ish) Celebration Sizzler; a community BBQ in the neighbourhood featuring games, face-painting, a bouncy castle, street theatre, and live music including performances from Bruce and his Celebration Cafe band. It is a wonderful afternoon to celebrate the Victoria Day long weekend with family, friends, and the community. See the Upcoming Events page for the date of the next one.
2016 May Summer Sizzler
Ministry to The Dale – We have formed a supporting partnership with The Dale Ministries operating in nearby Parkdale. A group of volunteer bakers have been providing muffins for their breakfast program every two weeks. Motivated volunteers have also cooked turkeys for Thanksgivings and Christmas. Contact Bruce if you’d like to be involved in some way.
Meal to Keele – We have formed a supporting partnership with the chaplin and men of the Keele Correctional Centre in the Junction (Dundas & Keele). A group of volunteers provides dinner once a month to the guys that reside in the KCC. Contact Bruce for details.