Camp Above and Beyond – aka CCSJ Goes to Camp
Camp Koinonia 117 Shoebottom Road, Seguin, ONCCSJ goes to camp - Aug 24-27 - sign up now!
CCSJ goes to camp - Aug 24-27 - sign up now!
Men's Breakfast - this morning starting at 8:00 am
Bible study - in-person starting at 11:00 am
Walk-a-thon for the Dale
A group of volunteers provides dinner once a month to the guys that reside in the KCC.
Join a group starting at noon at Grange Park (just south of the AGO, north of Queen St.) for a walk in support of the Grassy Narrows community in their […]
Thursday Night Together - 6:00 pm potluck supper & worship
Blessing of the Animals - 2pm
Messy Church is on at 4-6 pm
CCSJ is hosting this year's Restorative Justice gathering in Oct. 18-19 - all invited