Ways to Serve

Giving of ourselves (time, treasure, & talents) is an important part of our worship to God. If you’d like to learn more giving financially, please click here. To learn about ways to give your time and talents in serving, see below.

You can email office (at) christchurchstjames.ca or brian (at) christchurchstjames.ca for more information about any of these opportunities.

  • Parish Council (leaders of various ministries, along with other committed members of CCSJ, the Wardens, Treasurer, Priest, and Members of Synod who come together once a quarter to hear reports and give input about how things are going at CCSJ)
  • Members of Synod (elected at our Annual Business Meeting to serve a 2 year term as representatives of CCSJ to the Synod in the Diocese of Toronto)
  • Wardens (a team who are kind of like Elders/Board Members for the official/legal business and responsibilities of CCSJ, meet once monthly and as needed to help keep CCSJ running and moving in the right direction)
  • Sunday school – (a team of teachers and other volunteers who serve on a rota, responsible for teaching children (ages 3-11) about Jesus and our faith on Sundays during the 10am service)
  • Youth Ministry – (led by our Youth Pastor, Maureen, this team works together to plan events and teach our youth on Sunday more about Jesus and our faith)
  • Intercessors (team of people on a rota who write prayers and others who lead the Prayers of the People on Sundays) 
  • Prayer Team Members on Sunday Morning (team who prays with those who come forward at the end of the service)
  • Greeters/Newcomers Ministry (serve on a rota, responsible for welcoming everyone on Sundays as they arrive)
  • Technical Team (sound system, powerpoint, cameras)
  • Sunday Morning Tea/Coffee (serve on a rota that sets-up/cleans up for coffee/tea downstairs on Sunday mornings)
  • Chancel Guild for Sundays/Thursdays (teams who serve on a rota, responsible for setting up for communion, laundering linens/vessels used during communion)
  • Chalice Administrators (serve on a rota who serve the wine on Sundays during communion)
  • Crucifer (serve on a rota, responsible for processing the cross on Sundays and helping at the Lord’s Table)
  • Servers (assisting the Priest at the Lord’s Table)
  • Lectors/Readers (serve on a rota, responsible for reading scriptures on Sundays in worship)
  • Sidespeople (serve on a rota, responsible for helping people find seats, operate the elevator, bring the offering forward and assist during communion on Sundays)
  • Choir Members (please speak to our Music Director, Tim Elia)
  • Musicians (please speak to our Music Director, Tim Elia)
  • Lay Anointer’s (those trained and authorized by the Bishop to anoint the sick with oil and pray for them)
  • Messy Church (interactive and intergenerational church service held once a month on Sunday afternoon, needs those willing to help with set up, clean up, crafts)
  • Prayer Chain (regularly praying for needs of others when requests are shared)
  • Hospitality Team (preparing food, organizing events/receptions)
  • Celebration Cafe Drama Team (if you like acting and improv, this is for you)
  • Foodbank (lots of ways to serve and support this important work, email Jeannie)
  • Meal to the Keele/Restorative Justice (a team that prepares and serves a meal at The Keele Correctional Institute once a month and supports those living in Restorative Justice housing)
  • Supporting The Dale (team that prepares sandwiches and muffins to support The Dale Ministries in Parkdale)
  • God, Coffee, & Me (weekly outreach with Bible Study at local Thai restaurant, see Bruce Smith for more information)
  • Cafe Church (weekly church service at Big Guy’s Coffee Shop on Lake Shore Blvd, see Bruce Smith for more information)
  • Fight4Freedom (preparing gift bags for women who have left the sex trade or been rescued from being trafficked) 
  • Social Justice work (advocacy work for affordable housing and other social issues)
  • Refugee Ministry (team who who support those seeking refuge in Canada)
  • Social Media Team (team who design graphics and post on our social media sites)
  • IT and Phone Support 
  • Library Volunteers
  • Women’s Breakfast (helping to organize, serve, setup, clean up)
  • Men’s Breakfast (helping to organize monthly breakfasts)
  • Gardening (helping to keep CCSJ’s gardens looking beautiful)
  • Special/Seasonal Decorating in the Church (team who decorate the church for Christmas, Easter, etc)
  • Pastoral Care/Visiting (taking communion to those who are shut-in, visiting at hospital/rehabs/in people’s homes, phoning to check in on people)
  • Prayer Shawls (knitting/crocheting shawls that are blessed and given to those in need to bring comfort)
  • Small group leaders – looking for those willing to lead/organize a small group of parishioners for Bible study & fellowship at their home
  • Property Support Team – looking for those willing to help the Wardens by keeping up with ongoing projects in the building, getting quotes from tradespeople as they are needed, identifying needs in our building
  • Financial Stewardship Team – looking for those willing to help the Wardens/Priest with stewardship efforts at CCSJ, help with budgeting/financial planning efforts
  • Screening in Faith Coordinator – position currently filled, responsible for ensuring all who serve have up-to-date Police Checks and have taken the mandatory Sexual Misconduct Policy Training)